The Importance of #GivingTuesday

Nov 30, 2021 | #GivingTuesday, Advocacy, Campaign, Charity, Positive Parenting

November signifies the time of year that we kick off shopping and giving into high gear. The most important day of giving takes place this year on Tuesday, November 30th and is called #GivingTuesday. This is the day that Americans band together and give to charities for the Christmas and winter holiday season. We know that this is a time of year that people, pets, and organizations are at their highest risk. Children experiencing poverty are especially vulnerable during this time, as they may not receive Christmas gifts or have any kind of traditional holiday dinner. While these things are tragic, children are at a higher risk for other factors during this time as well.

Suicide rates for adults are at a year-long high during the winter months. Weather patterns and early darkness can shoulder some of the responsibility, but poverty and family dysfunction also contribute to these rates. When mental health and life circumstances converge in negative patterns, systems of abuse can start to emerge. Organizations like ours are committed to protecting the lives of children, and this time of year can be the most challenging. Not only are resources often tapped because we have reached the end of the year, but we also tend to have more needs during this season. 


How Can You Help? 

You may be wondering what you can do to help organizations like our own during this time. There are many ways to give to children in need this #GivingTuesday. 



The first thing you might choose to do is educate yourself. Many parents were raised in homes with yelling and spanking, but they dont want to repeat the same disciplinary styles. We have numerous learning resources to help parents, community members, and educators alike. Spend #GivingTuesday committed  to giving your children the lives you have always dreamed of giving them. Its not easy to break generational cycles that arent always seen as unfavorable, so one of the best ways to give to us is to help ensure that one less child is at-risk for abuse or harm.


Donate to ASPCC

The simplest way to participate in #GivingTuesday is by filling out our donation form here. Donations allow us to provide life-saving Parenting Toolkits to parents and caregivers and help us to maintain and expand our Parenting Resource Center – a resource that helps to prevent child abuse, buffer toxic stress, teach positive parenting, empower children’s infinite potential, and so much more! You can either commit to a one-time gift or to a years worth of giving. Contributions also enable us to progress our partnership with The Happy Child app. The smallest gift is still invaluable!


Set Up a Community or Employer Drive for Fundraising

In addition to your personal donation, you can also organize community or employer-based giving opportunities. You can do so by contacting our administrators for a crowdfunding opportunity. This is a spectacular way to spread the word about our organization and its mission. Some employers will also match charitable giving during this season. Challenge them to meet your efforts. 


Donate Your IRA/ Stock Contribution

Stocks and IRAs may have options to donate to charity. We will gladly take these donations and the benefits that come along with them. You can discuss the specifics with your plans administrator. We also have information available on our website. 



If you have more to offer than small donations, IRAs, or stock options, you might want to sponsor a program. Sponsorship packages start at less than $200 and increase in value to more than $2000. We need someone to sponsor many types of communication and educational efforts throughout the year, so you can even start with a small donation for #GivingTuesday this year and then raise funds for next year to sponsor a program. 


Community Education

Even if your finances do not allow you to make a monetary donation, you can commit to educating the public and at-risk populations on the dangers of child abuse, sexual abuse, and other challenges that come at this time of year. Use #GivingTuesday to reinvigorate your efforts to educate the general public. 


We need your generosity now more than ever. However, we know that giving is sometimes difficult, especially at this time of year. Even if the gift feels small, rest assure that 100% of your donation goes directly toward supporting our cause due to our fully online nature. So, whether it’s saving lives through our educational tools in the Parenting Resource Center, improving family dynamics with The Happy Child app, or distributing our essential Resource Kids, your donations make it all possible! Every donation is a stand against child abuse and helps us Build Brighter Futures for America’s children. Whatever you do this holiday season, do it in love and support of organizations that make a difference in this world. 

Parenting Toolkits

Learning offline is now possible! Download our new Parenting Toolkits today.