
How to Prevent Teen Car Accidents

How to Prevent Teen Car Accidents

It is wonderful to watch our children grow up. But as every parent knows, it’s not so wonderful to watch them as they start to drive. As parents, we know intuitively that our kids are not yet great drivers. Part of the reason is that they aren’t always paying...

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How Do You Teach Children Resilience?

How Do You Teach Children Resilience?

There’s no getting around it – sometimes, life is hard. It’s inevitable; what matters is how we deal with hard times. Resilience is exactly that – the ability to handle difficult setbacks, adjust appropriately, and keep striving toward living your best life. Helping...

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Positive Parenting During COVID-19

Positive Parenting During COVID-19

There’s a pandemic right now, and your kids are watching you. They are watching as you watch the news, talk on the phone, and move through the day.  They are watching your reaction to just about everything at the moment. Whether you realize it or not, your kids are...

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Keeping Children Safe Online

Keeping Children Safe Online

Kids spend hours a day online and it is indisputable that the childhood experience has become very digitally driven. Smartphones have become mainstream, providing children with access to online apps and experiences at their fingertips. More and more, children interact...

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Building Self-Esteem in Kids

Building Self-Esteem in Kids

By Sarah Jeanne Browne What we say to kids matters. How we respond to their needs matters. As a parent or guardian, you are a role model to your children, and your values impact theirs. What we say to any child impacts the development of their self-esteem. How we...

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Tips to Better Cope with Bullying at Home

Tips to Better Cope with Bullying at Home

Bullying can have serious consequences for everyone, but kids tend to be vulnerable to bigger repercussions, for this reason it is important for us all to understand bullying in general, from what it is, to circumstances under which it can happen and even how to help...

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