Will you help us spread some TLC this holiday season?

Dec 22, 2018 | #EndofYearGiving

As 2018 comes to a close, we are reminded that the holiday season is not always a happy time for everyone. Families and children dealing with trauma or facing crisis often need extra support during this time.

Before the year ends, we’d like to let you know that there is one more simple way for you to assist families in need this holiday season.

Help us to spread some TLC through our ‘This Little Card Saves Lives’ campaign.

This Little Card (TLC) is a simple, smart, and free resource for children and families detailing where to find help when they need it.

We’re sharing these cards with law enforcement, medical professionals, social workers, and so on for easy distribution in their communities.



Our goal is SMALL but the impact is HUGE!


We aim to raise $10,000 before December 31st to distribute 62,500 free life-saving TLC cards to struggling communities.

How can you help?

DONATE:  For just $20, we can reach 250 children and families in need. 
At just 8 cents per card, you can help print and distribute TLC Cards to schools, police stations, libraries, hospitals and other community spaces.

SHARE:  Assist with distribution in your community.
Help us to circulate them – at no cost to yourself. Contact tina@box5255.temp.domains to send some TLC to your community today.

On behalf of the thousands of children that you are helping, but may never meet, can we count on you to help us spread some TLC this season?

Your support will bring us one step closer to preventing child abuse.

In gratitude,

Genevieve Rivera
Managing Director

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