Ways To Get Involved
Whether you are able to give your time, a donation, expertise, or all the above, your generosity will make an impact on current and future generations.
Ways to Give
There are over 1,000,000 families that rely on our Parenting Resource Center annually, and it is thanks to the generosity of our community that we are able to provide accessible, reliable, evidence-based parenting guidance any time and anywhere

Give By Check
If you’d like to make a donation by check, please make them out to American SPCC and mail to:
American SPCC
6965 El Camino Real
Suite 105-526
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Stock Donations
Use your investments to invest in future generations by giving to American SPCC. Our team has made it super simple for you:
American SPCC has provided a wealth of information for parents such as myself looking for tips on understanding and nurturing the best in their children. Can’t say enough good things about them and their great work!”
– Caregiver and User of The Parenting Resource Center
Other Ways to Get Involved
It takes a village to create positive change for the next generation. Contribute your time and expertise by volunteering for American SPCC. Our team works with individuals who are passionate about making resources more accessible to families to find the best way to apply your skills to make the biggest impact.
While everything we do at American SPCC is designed to support caregivers to advocate for themselves and their children, we believe this work at the individual and family level is not enough. We must also advocate for children’s best interests at a systemic level, from your local government to federal policy.
Children don’t often have the language to be able to speak out on their own behalf and don’t have a seat at the table making decisions that impact their lives, so it’s up to us as adults to ensure that all children’s needs are being equitably met.
Become A Partner
We are always looking for new partners, both individuals and organizations, to collaborate with in a variety of ways, bringing more value to our Parenting Resource Center and expanding our reach to families. Together, we can do better for the next generation. If you’d like to discuss partnership opportunities, please contact our team.
Become A Sponsor
If your organization or company has a strategic community investment program with interest in supporting the next generation, consider American SPCC among your giving. Helping parents is helping children, and we provide a variety of sponsorship opportunities p to meet your organization’s goals while creating a greater impact on the families that rely on our resources.
Spread The Word
Help our resources reach more families by following American SPCC on social media and sharing our content with your network. We believe when you know more, you do better, so help more people learn about the value in addressing their own trauma and breaking cycles for the next generation.
Never Miss An Update
We are constantly updating our Parenting Resource Center to reflect the latest research around Adverse Childhood Experiences, Positive Childhood Experiences, and other evidence-based information regarding child development and parenting. Sign up to receive regular updates, and always feel equipped with the variety of situations you’ll encounter as a caregiver.